Youth Spotlight: Nolan Phuong

Learn more about Nolan, a youth involved at SWRIL, and his many contributions to our community.

1 min read

Over the past few years, I have become a strong advocate for youth-led change and innovation in our region. I started as a student who believed in a cause and seized opportunities to take action. With the support of my peers and mentors in the community, I was able to accomplish so much and makea difference that I am truly proud of. I hope to continue inspiring change while helping other youth innovators pursue their interests and passions in post-secondary.

Some of my contributions: 

  • Mental health poster
  • Mental health guest speaker
  • Project Play (making sports accessible for underserved youth)
  • Youth Creativity Fund youth ambassador
  • CYPT & SWRIL Youth Impact Project Dragon's Den Dragon 
  • Currently working on a Mental health AI project with SWRIL

Follow Nolan on Instagram: @nolanphuong98

A collage of photos with Nolan's various contributions, including him holding a poster, some graduation photos, photos of him presenting to audiences, and a photo of him in a group presenting a giant cheque to other youth.

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